I am using AceMoney 4.36 and trying to set it up to work with B of A accounts.
I have several questions:
1. How do I remove the Sample Accounts permanently? I can delete them separately but they return next time I enter AceMoney.
2. I set up a B of A Account. Then I enter "Online Setup". I clicked "Download Transactions..."
Entered my username and pwd. Connect as "Default"
I had B of A activate "Direct Connect" for my accounts.
I clicked OK and then OK again.
The Account was apparently setup with no balance.
Then I clicked "Update now" and it showed "failed" for Transactions. I opened the error- showed "Error 1, Unable to connect to https://ofx.bankofamerica.com......
This seems OK to me. What do you think is the problem?
Problems downloading transactions
Re: Problems downloading transactions
You are opening the sample file, making changes to it, but not saving it. When you re-open AceMoney, you are opening the original unmodified sample file again. What you should do is create a new file for your accounts, save it, and open that file each time. You can even configure AceMoney to automatically re-open that file, if that is the only file you will be working with.larrys3255 wrote:1. How do I remove the Sample Accounts permanently? I can delete them separately but they return next time I enter AceMoney.
That is an old url for BofA's OFX service. According to this page, the url changed in late 2013 (to https://eftx.bankofamerica.com/eftxweb/access.ofx). Looks like you might be using an older item in AceMoney's Online Setup. AceMoney has several different items for BofA, and only some of them use the newer url. So try selecting one of the other BofA items and see if it will connect.larrys3255 wrote:Then I clicked "Update now" and it showed "failed" for Transactions. I opened the error- showed "Error 1, Unable to connect to https://ofx.bankofamerica.com......