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Can I import QIF or OFX files directly from the web site?

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 3:25 am
by goranv
Yes, you can! First try to launch AceMoneyImporter.exe located in C:\Program Files (x86)\AceMoney. For 32-bit Windows, this path is C:\Program Files\AceMoney. By default AceMoneyImporter does nothing, but it will silently try to register itself with .qif and .ofx file types. "Silently" means - you will see no visual response after launching AceMoneyImporter, just as if nothing happened. If you already have any other accounting software installed on your computer, then AceMoneyImporter will not change the existing file associations, so you need to change these associations manually. Here is how to do that:

Instructions for Windows 7 or Vista users:

Open Control Panel, click on Default Programs, then click on "Associate a file type or protocol with a program". In the list, double-click on ".qif" and then double-click on AceMoney icon. If you don't see the AceMoney icon, click Browse to navigate to "C:\Program Files (x86)\AceMoney\AceMoney" and then double-click it there. Press Close, and you are done.
Repeat the same procedure for .ofx, .ofc and .qfx file types.

Instructions for Windows XP users:

In order to do that you need to open Windows Explorer, go to Tools->Folder Options, find there QIF extension and highlight it. If text at the bottom of the dialog says "Opens with AceMoneyImporter" then you are all set, just make sure that OFX, OFC and QFX files are also associated with AceMoneyImporter.exe.

To change current file association, highlight it, click at the Change button, Browse button and select C:\Program Files\AceMoney\AceMoneyImporter.exe.

Once AceMoneyImporter is associated with all the supported file types (QIF, OFX, OFC, QFX), go to your bank web site, login and navigate to a page with a link to the file. Click at the file and select Open instead of Download. If AceMoney is not running, it will be launched, then it will immediately display import dialog.